Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Too busy to do anything? :>

Civil Servants have gone on strike... now it is not only The National Gallery (with its Holiday issue) but all galleries, museums, libraries, councils... Partially there is why I am at home today. And I should carry my diploma research (yes I have got back to studying! :) ) The thing is that I have been thinking about it all week long and can't think anymore. At least not today? I have downloaded enough material to read all day long so maybe I do that at least? I really need some push today ;) The good think of having my research to do is that I am not so afraid of losing my job - even if it happen I will still have something to do, something that is now much more important that the job. Hmm... I know it is not reasonable way of thinking. But I am still trembling when I think about this possibility, I am... Fortunately I don't have much time to think about it, as I still haven't decided yet what that project will be about! Of course I have some general ideas but precisely? but objectives? but... anyway, I will manage. I HAVE to. Loads of love to anybody who jumped here for long enough to have it read .

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Waiting for Godot

Yes, today I am absolutely sure - they will sack me any day. I just feel it. Am I paranoiac? And I begin to hate this job because of my fear. It is a paranoia. What's wrong with me? Why am I so obsesed with my English??? So under-confident?


And I cannot go back to my country neither...
How could you be back to the country where a Vice-minister of Education says: "We will manage without tolerance" or that "the theory of evolution is a lie." How??????????

"I did say that the theory of evolution is a lie. I am convinced that this is a mistake that was legalized as the prevailing truth. For me this is more of a story that belongs to the realm of fiction, you could even base a science-fiction movie on it.

The very theory of Darwin was modified while he was still alive, [the scientists] provided facts to undermine this theory. In general, you can treat Darwinism as a loose concept created by an elderly non-believer who viewed the world in this way. Maybe this is because he was vegetarian and lacked inner fire."


"So what is going to happen to the teachers who according to scientific findings will teach the theory of evolution? Quite recently the head of the National Teacher Training Centre lost his job because he allowed for a discussion about homosexuality in schools…

There you go! This is the most drastic form of lies: that two individuals of the same sex can form a relationship. I mean it does happen, but you cannot legalize it because it ruins our civilization.

And I will never contribute to a situation in which in school you could find a textbook that advises you to find the a representative of the gay movement, invite him to class so that he can tell that human rights are being violated because they cannot adopt children.

But this textbook only encouraged to be tolerant and posed questions...

But can there be such a question? No way! I represent the views of a civilization in which I was formed. We have to make sure this civilization survives.

Where is the space, then, for tolerance of different worldviews?

Oh, the world used to manage without tolerance and it will keep on going without it. We cannot have a couple of maniacs deciding about the fate of our civilization… "


....where the news from my country appear as realted to those from Saudi Arabia and Lebanon...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New job

I have been offered a brilliant job, I cannot believe they offered it to me... and it causes problems - anytime I am at work I am so terrible stressed that I behave like Woody Allen in Play it again Sam. And my English is worse then ever - I keep losing words, mixing grammar my voice while speaking is so high that I am likely to be heard by bats... I have to take it easy (easier at least) otherwise they will sack me....but how????? I love that job so much...