Thursday, February 15, 2007

Josef Conrad and his English writing

A pain in my eyes. I shouldn't have been writing till 2 am. a computer is not so safe as a paper. But my diploma is growing a word by word. :) On the BBC a conversation with 3 University lecturers about Joseph Conrad, unfortunately when they attempted to explain why this Polish writer brought up with Polish and French language had decided to write in English my coffee machine went noisy and I couldn't hear the answer. Anybody knows? But it was in some way quite satisfying to hear how they struggled to pronounce properly names of his Polish relatives and friends... I know I shouldn't say (feel?) that but well, I do feel a satisfaction, so I am just honest. I suppose this kind of satisfaction roots in my internal mental problems manifested at the moment in my "English language case" but let's stop that psychoanalysis at this point. I read somewhere (in the Guardian?) that Susan Sontag described Conrad as "the one who speaks broken English..." and it helps as well.

Anyway, I have to rush as I need to pop in to the library on my way to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.